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Mangakahia Garden Ramble

Mangakahia Sports Complex, Mangakahia Road, Poroti, Maungatapere, Whangarei Private Residential gardens across Mangakahia, Maungatapere and Maunu areas of Whangarei.


This is a biennial event for us, we hold it every 2 years, so the next event won’t be until 2025. We haven’t decided on a date as yet, will be sometime in November.

Facebook page via the web link above




  • Price
    General Admission: $34.05 each ($30.00 + $4.05 fees) 0800 BUY TIX (289 849) Tickets available on Eventfinda - $30 plus Eventfinda fees.
  • Parking
    Maps will be provided in the event programme and on our Facebook Page. This is primarily a self-drive event and parking will be sign-posted at each garden.
  • Wheelchair Access
    We endeavour to have a cross-section of gardens included in the ramble. Wheelchair-friendly gardens will be identifiable with a wheelchair symbol in the programme and on our Facebook Page.
  • Dogs allowed?
    No Dogs thanks.
  • Food available?
    A Café will be held on-site at one of the gardens, as listed in the programme. There is also several local cafes in the area, also marked on the programme.
  • Picnics
    Picnics are welcome in all gardens on the grass, and most gardens will have some seating available for use, as listed on the programme.
  • Children allowed?
    Children are welcome, supervision is required.
  • Toilets?
    Several toilets are available within the private garden as marked on the programme. There are also public toilets available at the Mangakahia Sports Complex.
  • Plants/Sales
    There will be plants for sale at several locations and numerous garden-related stalls.


Mangakahia Sports Complex, Mangakahia Road, Poroti, Maungatapere, Whangarei Private Residential gardens across Mangakahia, Maungatapere and Maunu areas of Whangarei.