In 2019, we purchased Toi Toi, a neighbouring property. Along with the property came a brick house built in the 1950s surrounded by a rather large garden. The north-facing house overlooks garden beds, which mainly feature roses, rhododendrons, irises, euphorbia, agapanthus, and general plants that tolerate the North Canterbury climate.
Between the garden beds, brick steps aligned with Cyprus trees lead you down a bridge, to reach the lined cherry trees to a paddock view. Buxus, Teucrium and Escallonia hedges have been used to create the many areas of the garden. Some garden beds are bordered with Grey Wacke rocks carted down from the hill. An impressive sight is the cluster of silver birch trees with white trunks, underplanted with white daisies. We enjoy the peace and tranquillity of this garden and enjoy living and working in such a nice environment. We look forward to welcoming you and sharing our garden with you.
In 2019, we purchased Toi Toi, a neighbouring property. Along with the property came a brick house built in the 1950s surrounded by a rather large garden. On our arrival, we removed an assortment of large trees, which gave us more light and enabled us to extend the garden area.
1.5 hectares. Allow 1 hour.
62 Elliots Road 7483 Greta Valley Canterbury New Zealand.
From SH1, turn onto Elliots Road, and turn right at the Toi Toi Gateway.